Thursday, September 12, 2013

Making Felted Acorns - Kit Review

Artistic Wake-up Call

I was up late on Pinterest last week, slouching over the computer with glazed eyes, pinning ideas to a cyber board of intangible projects. Scrolling, scrolling, clicking, clicking in hypnotized addiction, each pin making me hungry for more. All of the sudden, I felt my artistic psyche grab me by the shoulders, slap me in the face and say, 

"Hey, wake up you crazy woman! (shaking me silly) Get off the dang computer and start creating something from these ideas you keep pinning, for crying out loud!"

Awakened into reality, I ran to my studio to work on something, ANYTHING that would make me feel creative. As it was late, I decided I couldn't start anything too big, so grabbed a kit of the shelf that I purchased off Etsy.  It was just the thing I needed to revive my artistic soul.

Felted Acorn Kit by Fairyfolk

Felted Acorn Kit by Fairyfolk
  Making felted acorns was something I've wanted to do for a long time. I thought I like to use them with my fabric oak leaves, although I didn't have a specific project in mind.

Fabric oak leaf from Artfully Sew

Donni's kit was so fun and easy to use!  The directions were easy to follow, even my 9 year-old daughter, N.J. helped me make some. 

Aren't these babies cute, cute, cute?
The kit came with multi-color wool, directions, superglue and acorn caps. All you need is water and a little bit of dish soap.  My advice to you is to follow the directions.  I didn't take time to measure the acorns with the caps as I made them so some of my "nuts" are too big for the caps.  I should have listened to you, Donni!  

I didn't take pictures (kicking myself) so I have photos from Fairyfolk to share. The photo below is a different kit with green colored wool.  Donni has many different kits with different colors to choose from.
From wool to acorns, lickety split!

Finished Felted Acorns

If you don't want to make your own, Fairyfolk also has finished acorns to choose from as well as many other beautiful items and kits. I think these are great for fall decorating.  Wouldn't they look great in a wooden bowl?
Finished Felted Acorns by Fairyfolk
So if you're sick of staring at the computer screen and want a quick and easy project, consider this as your cyber slap in the face. I'll be your artistic psyche and say, 

"Get off your butt and go work on one of those great projects you pinned!  Or if you need a kick start, check out Fairyfolk and order a kit."

Artfully sewing,

Angela Jean
Artfully Sew

Experiencing a light bulb moment?

I could use some ideas on how to combine my oak leaves with the finished acorns into a finished project.  Add your brainstorming ideas below: